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balance wheel and

frequency adjustment

Fully automatic

and process-safe



integration in


Balance wheel adjustment with the highest precision and speed – with the third generation Reglowitch, a tried and tested design has now been technically improved even more. The ultra-fast stop device for the balance wheel and high-speed drilling unit enable the precise adjustment of the centre of gravity of the balance wheel when mounted in the watch movement.

Based on the measurement results of four vertical test positions, the drilling position and depth are calculated for correction of the centre of gravity error. If, apart from balancing, adjustment of the rate is also required, this is carried out with the aid of two centre-drilled holes opposite one another. Dynamic balancing by means of drilling the balance wheel ring is now even easier and offers more process reliability thanks to WiCoTRACE. Measurement of watch movements is carried out independently of the Reglowitch. Before each adjustment, the Reglowitch retrieves the necessary data from the database and calculates the drilling parameters.

Adjustment of pre-fitted balance wheels including balance-springs and even assembled movements is possible

Dynamic adjustment: drilling positions calculated from the preceding measurement in various test positions

Adjustment of the disequilibrium and rate (frequency)

Easy parametrization in WiCoTRACE Universal Editor software

Traceability of parameters and measurements in WiCoTRACE

Smart calibre-specific modules for precisely-fitting positioning of the balance wheel or watch movement

Automatic stop system with acoustic and optical measuring unit for precision stopping of the balance wheel

The system is easy to use and can be operated by semi-skilled personnel

Optimised ergonomics for fatigue-free working


Precision drill bit Ø0.2mm

Tool kit for drill bit change

External start/stop button, cable length 2m

Air filtration unit
