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Capacitive and inductive


measurement sequences

with WiCoTRACE


USB interface

for Windows PCs or Witschi Terminal

The QuartzSensor is a compact measuring device for the measurement of analogue and LCD watches or movements, as well as tuning fork watches. The capacitive and inductive sensors measure the rate deviation and analyse the motor pulses. Sophisticated shielding of the sensors minimises unwanted interference.

The device is connected to a Windows PC or the Terminal via the USB interface. The stable stand enables comfortable work with movements and watches with or without wristband and is cushioned to prevent scratches. In the parameter and measurement result management software WiCoTRACE, automated measurement sequences can be easily created and centrally managed. The user-friendly application in WiCoTRACE supports an efficient test process.

Compact and ergonomic measuring device for quartz watches or movements with inserted battery

For analogue, LCD and tuning fork watches

Capacitive and inductive sensors

Sophisticated shielding minimises undesired interferences

Measurement of rate deviation with and without inhibition

USB interface for connection to a Windows PC, Windows tablet or the Terminal

LED to indicates correct signal reception

WiCoTRACE software with automated measurement sequences and a direct measurement mode

Direct measurement mode with graphical display

Detailed graphic display of the measuremet signal

Rate deviation via quartz frequency (32 kHz)